Part G Water Calculation

We are providing Part G Water Calculatios

What is Part G Water Calculations? (Cheaper rates)

Part G Water Calculations and EPCs for new build houses and flats

Part G Water Calculations are a legal necessity to ensure that a new building is water efficient. This indicates that the home must not utilize more than 125 litres of potable water per person per day.
Water output is important when it comes to energy consumption. Part G Water Calculations demonstrate that any new building project wastes as minimum energy as possible. In the water efficiency calculator, each code level set a maximum limit on internal water use, which is illustrated by measurements based on occupancy, fittings and flow rates.

The default limits are configured as follows:

Part G Water Calculations is needed to produce a Predicted Energy Assessment required by the law to be compliant with Part G of the Building Regulations.

  • Levels 1 & 2-Less or equivalent to 120L p/day
  • Levels 3 & 4- Less than or equivalent to 105L p/day
  • Levels 5 & 6-Less or equivalent to 80L p/day

Part G Water Calculations for new build houses and flats

Part G Water Calculations is required in order to produce a Predicted Energy Assessment required by the law to be compliant with Part G of the Building Regulations.

Please email us at hello@commercialepc.co.uk or call 07872314115 to discuss further.

What we need from you:
  • Number of showers and flow rates in Litre/min
  • Number of basins and taps with flow rates in l/m
  • Kitchen tap flow rate in l/m
  • Number of toilets & flush volumes
  • Dishwasher & washing machine details if applicable
  • Bath capacity to overflow in litres
We will deliver:
  • Document for compliance with Part G
  • Unlimited support to ensure to make you compliant
  • 24 hours turnaround

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